
June 12, 2015

BREAKING: Paid Sick Days Wins in Oregon!

Oregon Becomes Fourth State in the Country With a Statewide Paid Sick Days Law Passed by the House today, SB 454 is good for Oregon families, good for business, and good for public health  The Oregon House today passed Senate Bill 454-B by a vote of 33 to 24. The legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Steiner […]

June 10, 2015

Sick Days Update: Oregon Senate Passes Bill, On to the House!

Oregon Senate Passes Sick Time Legislation, Bill Heads to House Floor SB 454 is good for good for Oregon families, good for business, and good for public health The Oregon Senate today passed Senate Bill 454-B, sending the paid sick time bill to the Oregon House of Representatives for approval. The legislation, co-sponsored by Senator Steiner […]

June 5, 2015

BREAKING: Sick Time Bill Advances in Oregon Legislature

Bill Ensuring All Working Oregonians Have Access to Sick Time Passes Ways and Means, Heads to Senate Floor SB 454 will promote public health and the economic security of Oregon families  The Joint Ways and Means Committee today passed Senate Bill 454, the paid sick time bill, on a party line vote. The proposed legislation, co-sponsored […]

June 5, 2015

What Are Your Six Words on Fatherhood?

What do YOU have to say about fatherhood — in 6 words?! FATHERHOOD.  In Six Words? Yes, that’s what we’re asking you. (< see, that was 6 words!) Here’s the deal: We’re partnering with Smith Magazine’s Six-Word Memoir project to gather thoughts on fatherhood from Oregon dads. Then we’re going to share them, in a variety […]

June 4, 2015

June 4 = Equal Pay Day for Mothers

Today is Equal Pay Day for mothers who work outside of the home—while women typically earn 78 cents to every dollar earned by men for full-time, year-round work, these women earn just 70 cents to every dollar earned by fathers who work outside of the home. This means that for mothers who work outside of […]

June 2, 2015

Raise Our Minimum Wage | Statewide Day of Action on Saturday, June 6

On Saturday, June 6, supporters will be gathering across the state to have conversations about why it’s so important that legislators commit to raising the wage for working families struggling to get by.  We’re working with the Fair Shot for All coalition to make this Day of Action a success — and we need your help! […]

May 29, 2015

Another Win in Salem | Oregon Family Leave Act Improved

On May 28th the Oregon Senate voted 20 to 10 to pass HB 2600, a bill that will align the Oregon Family Leave Act (OFLA) with FMLA’s continuation of group health insurance coverage when employees are out on leave. Without this added protection, it was possible that some employees could lose their health insurance coverage when […]

May 28, 2015

A Win in Salem | One step closer to equal pay

Today the Oregon Senate voted 17 to 13 in a nearly party line vote (Democratic Sen. Betsy Johnson voted against) to pass HB 2007, a bill intended to help close the wage gap for women and people of color in our state. Sponsored by Senator Diane Rosenbaum and Representatives Carla Piluso, Barbara Smith Warner, and […]

May 19, 2015

A gift mothers deserve: family-friendly policies

On Wednesday, May 13th this Guest Opinion piece ran in the Eugene Register Guard, penned by Family Forward’s Eugene staffer, Laurie Trieger: Another Mother’s Day has come and gone — a day that reminds us how good we are at saying we value mothers in this country, while leaving an incredible array of institutional barriers […]

May 15, 2015

May Tele Town Hall | Raising the Minimum Wage

We hope you have time to join our upcoming Tele Town Hall about raising the minimum wage in Oregon. We know you’re hearing a lot about this idea — both nationally and in Oregon — so we want to give you a chance to get up to speed with a few experts and living wage […]

May 14, 2015

Our Infographics | Share Them with Friends!

From time to time, we create infographics and images to send a message about our work advocating for economic security for Oregon’s women and families. If they compels you (and we hope they do!), we invite you to download and share them!  That’s how culture change works, each of us changing the way others see things in […]