Check out ‘Count Her In’ a comprehensive report on Oregon’s women and girls
We’re excited to be sharing the announcement of the official release of #CountHerIn, a report on the status of women and girls in Oregon. #CountHerIn is the most comprehensive report on Oregon’s women & girls in 20 years released by the Women’s Foundation of Oregon. In a widely held belief that Oregon is a progressive beacon […]
Sponsored events: Amamantar y Migrar and APANO’s Mic Check! Summer Cultural Event Series
We at Family Forward Oregon are always finding new ways to partner and collaborate with other organizations, especially those that work with and support families. We’re excited to sponsor two upcoming events this summer that focus on families and the experiences of immigrant families in particular. Amamantar y Migrar ‘Breastfeeding and Migration’ “While migration is […]
Welcome Luann, Our New Communications Director!
Please join us in welcoming Luann Algoso as our new Communications Director! We are SO excited to have Luann on our team and we know you’ll love her, too. Next time you’re at an event or online, tell her hi! Luann has a lot of communications, nonprofit and advocacy experience and comes to us from our partner organization, Asian […]
Employment Related Day Care opening for a limited time!
Low-income working families may be eligible for financial help with child care costs. On August 1st, the Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) Program, a state program that helps parents afford child care, will be taking applications! ERDC, which has had a waiting list in place since January 4, 2016, enables qualifying families to receive financial […]
Kelly’s Story
Kelly’s Story: I live in Portland in a household of 4, with my husband and our 2 kids. Milo is 4yrs old and Quillan is 15 months old. I have been worked with pregnant and nursing moms for 2.5yrs, as an on-call employee with no benefits. My husband works part-time as a barista and has […]
Amy’s Story
Amy’s Story: I gave birth to my beautiful daughter but soon after found out she needed extra stay in the NICU. My husband and I were extremely stressed and heartbroken to be discharged from the hospital without Aubrey. At the time, I was employed at a Portland nonprofit. I worked with at-risk students and led […]
Jenna’s Story
Jenna’s Story: My partner and I spent three years preparing financially to have a baby. We knew it would be a financial struggle and that we needed to finish our education and save as much as we could before the baby was born. We knew that even if our jobs granted any parental leave, it […]
Paisly’s Story
Paisly’s Story: My name is Paisly. I am nineteen years old, and I am a low wage earner. I was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. My mom and I still live at the same residence where I grew up. I graduated from Jefferson High School last June. I work two low wage jobs. At […]
Hila’s Story
Hila’s Story: My name is Hila, I work for Metro in Solid Waste. I have been an employee here for two years, and I love my job and working for Metro. My spouse and I have a two year old and we are expecting our second baby in June. My husband is a full time […]
When Work Works Award | 2016 Oregon Winners
We are excited to announce the 2015-16 Oregon winners of the prestigious national When Work Works award for flexible employers! Please join us in congratulating these forward-thinking employers who know that making work work for their employees is good for everyone, including their bottom line, the communities where they operate, and our state’s economy! We […]
Equal Pay Day 2016 is April 12th
On April 11, 2016 the Oregon Center for Public Policy released a report about the persistent gender wage gap in Oregon and how to close it, “Women Still Paid Less That Men: Oregon’s Gender Pay Gap.” Like the rest of the nation, Oregon has a gender pay gap: the typical woman in Oregon earns about 82 […]