We want to hear your experience.

My Day Care Costs More Than College TuitionOur personal experiences are important.  When we share them we learn that we are not alone, and we help others to see that, too. As we work to change workplace and public policy to work for today’s families, we want to highlight the kinds of things today’s Oregon families are experiencing.

We want to hear about your experiences!  Have you ever….

  • Struggled with a lack of flexibility at work?
  • Made an employment decision made on the cost of child care?  Or health care?
  • Been reprimanded or fired because you (or your child) were sick?
  • Compromised the care of a child or family member because of your job?
  • Wanted to work part-time, but had no option to do so?
  • Thought you were discriminated against at work because of your family care responsibilities?

Answers to these questions, and so many others like them, are the personal stories of families – like yours! – that we need to hear to create a different future for Oregon families.  Without personal stories to share with policy makers, it’s harder to win their support.

So please, share your experiences today  – simply type it in this handy space (rather we type while you talk?  No problem.  Just call Sharon at 503.928.6789):



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