Child Care Resources for Providers / Recursos de cuidado infantil para proveedores

March 26, 2021

Child Care Resources for Providers

We are seeing historic investments in child care for the first time in decades. It’s a lot to navigate and process! Especially when providers have been struggling to get by for so long. 

Earlier this year, the American Rescue Plan Act included $40 billion for child care that is currently being dispersed from the State of Oregon, and right now Congress is poised to pass a historic $450 billion investment in child care. That’s a lot of money! As programs are rolled out, we’ll be adding them here.

Here’s what we know about right now:

  • Oregon Child Care Provider Relief Guide
  • Early Learning Department grants for providers who had to close during COVID-19 and need funds to re-open
  • Free PPE for child care providers
  • Information about how to become a child care provider who can provide care for families who receive Employment Related Daycare Program (ERDC) subsidies from the state can be found here 
    • Thanks to the passage of HB 3073 earlier this year, this program is now more financially beneficial to providers and easier to navigate! Learn more here

Recursos de cuidado infantil para proveedores

¡Estamos viendo inversiones históricas en el cuidado infantil por primera vez en varias décadas! Sabemos que esto es un gran cambio y hay mucho que navegar — ojalá que esta información los ayude. 

A principios de este año, el Plan de Rescate Americano (ARPA como es conocido por sus siglas en Inglés) incluyó $40 miles de millones para el cuidado infantil. Esos fondos están siendo distribuidos en Oregon pero el Congreso está a punto de aprobar aún más fondos para el cuidado infantil. Esto es mucho dinero y en cuanto los programas sean implementados, los agregaremos a esta lista. 

Family Forward Oregon is in the 2024 Give!Guide!