Our Work

We are building an intersectional movement centered on care to fight for economic and reproductive justice for all mamas and caregivers in Oregon.

Paid and unpaid care work (the work that makes all other work possible!) is invisible work done almost entirely by moms, other caregivers, and self-identifying women, and it is disproportionately done by women of color. Despite how critical care work is, from infant care to hospice care and everything in between, almost nothing in the dominant white-supremacist, patriarchal, capitalist culture is designed to value or support caregivers and our families—but we’re determined to change that. 

Together, we’re organizing mamas and other caregivers across a range of identities, building community, providing leadership development opportunities, and supporting anti-oppression learning. We’re supporting our members as they take meaningful action to change our systems, so that the systems support caregivers and our families.

Through our sister organization Family Forward Action, we’re building economic and political power with mamas, caregivers, and our families, leading the fight to pass bold, statewide laws that will allow us to not just survive, but thrive—laws like universal paid family and medical leave insurance, and universal child care.

Our Approach to Equity

Family Forward believes in a comprehensive approach to equity, where people from all races, genders, classes, languages, sexual orientations, abilities, religions, and non-religions have the tools to access power so that just outcomes are possible. Equity to us means not leaving behind any segment of the population for short term gain. Historically oppressed voices must be amplified and we must work together to remove barriers, create systems change, and change the dominant culture.

Family Forward Oregon is in the 2024 Give!Guide!