Overwhelmed? Meet the Author!

April 2, 2014

We’re excited to be hosting a great author event with author Brigid Schulte in a few weeks.

Unknown-1In her new book, “Overwhelmed: Work, Love and Play When No One Has the Time,” Schulte, a Washington Post reporter and Portland native, takes a close look at our culture of overwork – especially how it affects working parents. She dives deep into the “why” behind what she calls “the overwhelm” (worthy of a noun!) and searches for ways to solve it — in our public policies and personal lives.

Not surprisingly, her proposed solutions include policy changes like affordable childcare, paid family leave, and paid sick days, among other common-sense work-family policies that Family Forward Oregon is advocating for here in Oregon.

We hope you can join us (get your ticket here) — if, that is, you’re not already double booked that night 🙂


  • Who: You!  And anyone who intuitively knows what “the overwhelm” means (ever driven off with your wallet on the top of your car? Conducted an important interview from the playground? Forgotten to pick up a kid from after care because you were madly trying to meet a work deadline?)
  • What: A conversation with author Brigid Schulte about time use, modern life, a culture of overwork, and thoughts on making it all better.
  • Where: Our new office space, Hatch, @ 2420 NE Sandy Blvd., in Portland (Here’s a map)
  • When: Wednesday evening, April 16th from 6:30 to 8 PM (private “wine & cheese” author chat from 6 to 6:30 PM for Family Forward Oregon members – join today and come for free: http://bit.ly/FFOMemberToday)
  • Why?  Because it’ll be fun, interesting, you’ll get to see our new office space, and get a signed copy of the book!  Also: why not?  Live a little!
  • RSVP:  Grab your ticket right here. It’s just $15 per person, which you can put towards a Family Forward Oregon membership that evening.

And please, tell a friend – surely you have some who are overwhelmed?!

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