What a moment for Oregon!
On July 13th, 2015 Governor Kate Brown signed four bills into law that make real progress for Oregon’s working families:
- Sick days for every working Oregonian,
- A retirement security program for workers who don’t have one through their employer,
- Banning “the box” on job applications, and
- Steps to end racial profiling by law enforcement.
These bills were 4 of the 5 priority bills of the Fair Shot for All coalition, which we co-founded. Our 5th priority was to raise Oregon’s minimum wage, which unfortunately didn’t pass this session. But we won’t give up until it does!
Together we are stronger.
We were sure right that when people come together and fight for a common cause — in this case social and economic justice — we are more powerful and effective than when we stand alone.
And that’s not even all the good news from Oregon’s 2015 legislative session, which adjourned earlier this month. Since the session began in early February, we have been working hard to pass a set of laws that will improve the day-to-day lives of hundreds of thousands of
Oregonians and their families. And we made some real headway!
Our accomplishments this session:
We’re pleased to report on some major (HUGE!) successes this year! Here are a few highlights:
- We achieved our main objective of extending sick days to workers throughout the state, making Oregon just the 4th state in the nation to enact such a policy!
- We took an important step to close the wage gap by making it easier to share pay information with co-workers without being punished.
- We extended basic rights to domestic workers who have been historically and intentionally left out of nearly every labor policy we have.
- We made it easier for Oregonians to save for retirement by paving the way for a savings program available to all, regardless of where they work.
- We guaranteed that Oregonians taking time out of work under the Oregon Family Leave Act can’t be denied their health insurance while they’re out (when they need it most!).
- We helped to expand the successful Employment Related Daycare Program to make childcare more affordable for more parents and giving access to those who are getting an education, working, or seeking work.
- Through the Fair Shot for All coalition, which we co-founded, we helped to “ban the box” from all Oregon job applications so people who have been arrested or incarcerated face one less barrier to economic stability when they look for work.
- Also through our Fair Shot for All work, we helped take concrete steps to reduce police profiling by race, sexual orientation, and housing status.
- We successfully raised awareness about unfair scheduling practices and identified the steps needed to reduce them.
- We made major headway toward increasing our minimum wage in the near future – and will keep fighting until we win!
All this in a mere five months! Actually, it takes far longer to accomplish these kinds of wins. Years, in fact. And great partners..
Thanks all around!
We owe special thanks to our legislative leaders, our coalition partners, and most of all the many committed and brave Oregonians who took the time to share their personal experiences and speak up for a better way. Together we made significant progress toward our vision of an Oregon where all women and working families have a fair shot at economic security and opportunity.
Thank you – and let’s keep it up!
The team at Family Forward Action
PS – Like what we’re doing? Want to keep winning? Get off the sidelines and become a member today!