On March 13, 2013, the Portland City Council voted unanimously to allow all people working in Portland to earn sick time while they work (effective January, 2014). Here are some of the many, many people who made this step forward a reality.
Jim Houser, Co-Owner, Hawthorne Auto Clinic and Chair, Main Street Alliance of Oregon, speaks at the press conference after the 3.13.13 vote
Susan Lund, affected worker speaking at the press conference after the vote.
Commissioner Amanda Fritz outside Portland City Hall right after the 3.13.13 vote.
Beth Cooke, FFO Government Affairs Director, at the 1.31.13 public hearing in Portland City Hall.
One of our signs!
Our sign en Espanol – thank you, CAUSA Oregon!
Commissioner Fritz’s Chief of Staff, Tom Bizeau.
Book of stories compiled with MomsRising.org and other coalition partners.
And we mean it!
Working Families Party Director Steve Huges.
Francisoc Lopez, Executive Director of CAUSA Oregon.
State Rep. Michael Dembrow testiified next to County Commissioner Deborah Kafoury.
State Reps. Keny-Guyer and Dembrow testified in support at the 1.31.13 public hearing.
Mel Rader, Upstream Public Health.
Ian Rizzio of Working America and Sokho Eath of APANO.
Sharon Berstein, FFO Deputy Director, with her two boys in city council chambers at the 3.13.13 vote.
FFO Executive Director and family outside Portland City Hall.
FFO Executive Director Andrea Paluso speaks at the press conference outside city hall after the 3.13.13 vote.
Andrea Paluso, Executive Director, Family Forward Oregon and Portland City Commissioner Amanda Fritz.
Big thanks for the Portland City Council from the crowd after the 3.13.13. vote.
Portland City Commissioner Steve Novick.
Working America member shares his story at the press conference on 3.13.13.
Another packed hearing in Portland City Hall.
The 5 Portland City Commissioners during the public hearing with Comm. Fritz on screen as she speaks.