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Delina Biniam (she/her)
Advocacy Director
delina@familyforward.orgGrowing up, it was normal to only see my parents for maybe a couple of hours throughout the day. My mom worked nights and slept during the day, while my dad worked all day and would find himself too exhausted to take care of himself, but still used whatever remaining energy to make my sister and me a meal. When I wasn’t at school, I was helping around the house and taking care of my little sister. This is the reality for a lot of immigrant families, and it forces children to grow up at such an early age. With the skills that I carry and the life experiences that I have, I’m eager to help families new to the country be better supported in their work/family life balance.
Family Forward has shown me that they value and care for all families no matter what they look like or where they come from. My values and beliefs as a Black woman in the US are mirrored through the work that Family Forward does for communities in need, whether it's through their policy work, community organizing, or getting the champions we need to push for change.
We are currently in unprecedented territory when it comes to the overall state of our federal systems — from Roe v Wade being overturned, to threats of cutting federal funding for important child care programs. With capitalism still being a priority in this country over the needs of working families, it is up to organizations like ours to fight for care, not coin (unless that coin is for care). I’m excited to be a part of an organization that I know has the fighting power to enact change.
Rae Jesequel (any pronouns)
Digital Communications Manager
rae@familyforward.orgI fell into motherhood in my 30s with no experience of caregiving for anyone aside from myself, and never having planned on being a mother. I was fully unprepared for how much I would need help, and completely naive to the fact that there was no societal support available to moms, especially single moms.
Family Forward was started by moms who shared and understood my experiences, and were fighting to make things better for caregivers - and they were getting results. Family Forward believed in me, validated my experiences, and were willing to invest in me to help advocate for myself and others.
I have been involved in this work for years and I know that while we have made gains we still have so far to go. This is work that will take more than my lifetime to accomplish, and hopefully I will have inspired my kids to take on the work after I’m gone.
Alyssa Kim (she/her)
Operations Coordinator
alyssa@familyforward.orgWith every year, I have seen more and more things to be disheartened by: political strife both here and overseas, bigotry that often becomes violent, and an overall lack of empathy from much of the world's most powerful leaders. I come from a baking background, and one of the reasons I enjoyed baking so much was knowing that I was usually brightening someone's day with my work. However, with everything that is going on in our world, I was compelled to find work that could actively create and facilitate positive change.
All people and families, regardless of how they present, should have the right to not only survive, but thrive. Family Forward's focus on intersectionality, and dedication to creating change to help the disenfranchised is more relevant now than ever. No one deserves to be left behind - let us all work towards a better future for everyone!
Marchel Marcos (she/her)
Political Director
marchel@familyforward.orgI am an #abortionbae for life (like really)! I believe that every person should have access to a safe and legal abortion. I started to get involved in my community as a fellow with Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon. The first time I ever testified during legislative session was 2019 in support of Paid Leave Oregon. I remember being a teen mom navigating parenthood thousands of miles away from my family in Hawaii. I was fortunate to be offered paid maternity leave but other pregnant colleagues did not. In 2013 when my youngest child was 10 months old they needed to be hospitalized and my job refused to offer me paid time off and I was worried that I would get fired if I had to call out. Now that it’s been a few years dedicated to community organizing I see firsthand how community can come together to develop policies and laws that reflect what we want and not wealthy business owners or the government.
I wanted to join a team that was ready to shake shit up in the building through community organizing and building a powerful movement of parents and care providers. With Roe V Wade overturned and our community at it’s ultimate lowest in trusting our government, it is so important that we connect with community to inform them on decisions being made that will impact them!
Audreona Mullens (she/her)
Regional Organizing Director - Portland Metro
audreona@familyforward.orgI am a Mother who found society, family, and life did not support the work I do as a mother and medical mother/caregiver for my son. I say life and society chose the right one on the wrong day because I knew my determination to make this work visible and my fight for mothers like me is unmatched.
I chose Family Forward as the catalyst of my personal mission in making systemic change because we inherently value the often invisible work of caregiving and motherhood. I recognize that working for a political organization is a highly visible mechanism for creating systemic change in American society. In the words of Harriet Tubman "I go to prepare a place for you..."
I do this work now because I recognize this fight has existed for decades before me and I am lending my energy to this fight so future generations can experience a better value of care in society.
Ashley Mumm (she/her)
Communications Director
ashley@familyforward.orgBorn and raised in Oregon, I care deeply about ensuring all Oregonians have what they need to not only survive but thrive. As a mother, I am driven to advocate for those whose voices have been silenced. As a queer, mixed-race, cisgendered woman, I am vocally pro-choice because everyone deserves the right to choose what is right for them and their families.
We all know and love someone who has had an abortion, and we know taking that right away won’t make abortions magically stop; abortions will, however, stop being safe for the people that need and/or want them. Criminalizing reproductive care is an intentional, blatant attack on women and people who can get pregnant, though the harm doesn’t stop there. The existing children, men and partners in their lives will also suffer from the lack of choice. Reproductive care is healthcare. We all deserve the ability to decide our futures, and I will continue fighting for it while I’m able.
For too long, the vocal minority has been oppressing and intentionally marginalizing the majority in this country who agree that our bodily autonomy is ours alone. We get to decide what we do with our bodies and when, and that is an inherent right for everyone.
Most importantly, when we do decide to grow our families, our country should support and make that possible if we are expected to have children and continue growing the economy. Our country should do everything it can to make that possible and ensure that everyone who provides care for our families — at any stage — is able to do so without living in poverty. Criminalizing everything from being houseless to needing birth control is not freedom. We deserve the ability to provide for our families, and our current systems do not allow that.
The wringing of the middle class for every penny it has is at a point of no return. We cannot sustain this way of living. Our country’s infrastructure, the very bodies we live in, are falling apart. Capitalism and the greed it encourages is a virus that is slowly snuffing out life in this country. I am ready to usher in a new era where human life is valued more than money, and I hope others are too. I love the work Family Forward is doing in Oregon and beyond, and I’m so excited to be a part of the changing tides.
Jess O'Donnell (she/her)
Development Director
jess@familyforward.orgAs both a mom and a former early learning educator, I’ve felt firsthand the challenges that so many Oregon families are facing in the struggle for quality, affordable child care. I know what it’s like to navigate a broken system, where parents feel alone and unsupported, and where the lack of accessible child care forces families to make impossible choices. For me, this work goes beyond professional experience—it's personal. I’ve seen how deeply these issues impact not only individual families but entire communities, holding people back and keeping real opportunities out of reach for many who need it most.
Family Forward is a natural choice for me. I believe in the power of policies that uplift working families and mothers. I believe, with every bone in my body, that child care is community care and essential to thriving economies. Access to care is a fundamental human right. Family Forward is committed to uplifting the voices of caregivers, parents, and communities often overlooked or excluded. They are committed to advocating for real, systemic changes that honor the needs of every family in Oregon. Family Forward’s focus on social justice speaks to my heart—it’s a reminder that this fight is about so much more than just “fixing a system.” It’s about addressing long-standing inequities and building a foundation of care, compassion, and opportunity for Oregon’s mommas and caregivers.
I feel a deep responsibility to be here at this critical moment, when Oregon’s care system is finally in the spotlight and when people are ready for change. I’m excited to lend my voice and my experience to a team that believes in putting care first, fighting for a system where everyone is valued, and making Oregon a place where all families can thrive—no matter who they are or where they come from.
Luz Quevedo (she/her)
Bilingual Statewide Organizer
luz@familyforward.orgLuz es originaria de Los Mochis, Sinaloa Mexico. Emigró a Palm Springs, California a la edad de 17 Años. En el 2000 se mudó a Eugene, Oregon. Es mamá orgullosa de 2 hijos varones de 5 años, 25 años y 2 hijastros de 18 y 22 años. Comenzó a trabajar en la Universidad de Oregon donde permaneció por 10 años. Fue un trabajo que disfrutó mucho, en el que fue introducida a la Unión de SEIU donde participó en un video relacionado con los derechos del trabajador. También fue mentora de los estudiantes del dormitorio como parte de su trabajo en la universidad.
A Luz siempre le ha gustado aprender y estar activa en su comunidad y participó con la organización LULAC en el concilio de miembros (council members) por 3 años. En el 2018 fue invitada a participar en el grupo de acción de Family Forward. Hasta la fecha ha sido una de las líderes del grupo en Salem que ha usado su liderazgo para elevar el problema sistémico de cuidado infantil y las adversidades que las madres latinas inmigrantes enfrentan. Representando a Family Forward en un grupo de padres a nivel federal después de convertirse en mamá de nuevo en el 2019. Luz espera poder aprender más y desarrollar sus habilidades como organizadora y líder para apoyar y elevar a más mamás y cuidadoras en Oregon.
Mi meta es seguir aprendiendo para llegar a ser un buen líder y así apoyar a más mamás y Cuidadores para que su voz sea escuchada y puedan tener un mejor futuro. Es algo que me apasiona hacer en mi trabajo y apoyar a la comunidad.
Nat Roadarmel (he/him)
Willamette Valley Regional Organizer
nat@familyforward.orgCare has always been a central part of my mission in life. The work I have done as a caregiver, teacher, and support group facilitator for trans youth, alongside the experiences I have had watching my parents and friends struggle to find adequate care for their children and older relatives have continually reinforced that family support is dangerously undervalued in the United States.
Family Forward is an organization that is not scared to make the tangible changes that will improve the state of care for all Oregonians. It has been refreshing to find an organization that not only lives out the values they advocate for, but ensures their work uplifts those who historically have been left behind by systemic support. They are paving the way, and I am ecstatic to be a part of it.
The struggle for better family care options came long before me, but I am honored to have a hand in shaping it now. I have learned that direct action is essential to overcome exclusionary policies limiting family wellbeing, and the best time to act on that was yesterday. The opportunity to be in this role is the opportunity to be a change-maker. I can’t think of any better reason to get out of bed in the mornings.
Sophie Schwanz-Jones (she/they)
Senior Administrative Assistant
sophie@familyforward.orgI’m an Oregon native and I’ve always had a deep love for my community. I grew up with two parents who worked full-time, sometimes more, and I witnessed firsthand the challenges of finding affordable childcare and sustaining a work/life balance. This experience ignited my passion to support working families and push for better support systems. I also worked many years as a caregiver for both children and adults. That experience showed me the challenges and inequalities many caregivers face in our society. These roles, alongside my administrative experience in varied environments, have equipped me with the skills and dedication to contribute meaningfully to a mission I care about deeply—one that pursues equity and systemic change.
Family Forward's dedication to advancing equity across race, gender, class, and sexual orientation, and amplifying historically oppressed voices, is incredibly inspiring. The focus on reproductive and economic freedom speaks to me- everyone deserves the freedom to decide if and when they want to start a family, and supporting those choices is key to creating a more just world. In a time of uncertainty and growing inequality, the fight for caregivers' rights is more urgent than ever. I’m proud to join a team that is challenging the status quo and advocating for a system where people are prioritized over profits, creating a more inclusive and compassionate future.
Tiana Tomisa (she/her)
Director of Human Resources and Operations
tiana@familyforward.orgIn 2019 my son was born. I worked for a small family company that did not have paid maternity leave and Paid Family Leave in Oregon was not yet available. Shortly after he was born, the pandemic hit, so health and safety had become an even bigger concern when looking for childcare (not to mention the ridiculous cost, as well). The best choice for our family– was for me to be a stay at home Mom, while my husband continued to work. I could never find a job that would be truly accommodating to my life as a Mom- who has little to no help with childcare. I quickly learned that I wasn’t the only one in this boat, and I was determined to get back in the workforce; but needed to find a job that would advocate family life ALSO being a priority.
It was a struggle, even with a bachelor’s degree, to find a job that would allow me the flexibility to still be a full time Mom. It felt like my gap in employment, though a meaningful one, had become a huge barrier when trying to get back into the workforce. I ironically came across Family Forward while venting about my frustrations on a local online mom’s group. I was just looking for a remote, 9 to 5 job, hoping to help financially- without needing to pay for childcare. Family Forward, however, has given me a chance to start a career path again and still take care of my family. I am excited to be working for such an amazing organization that is confident in my ability to balance work and Mom life.
The world we live in unfortunately, has many barriers that hinder the average Mom, Parent or Caregiver- from being able to thrive in a career and also thrive at home; I’ve felt this struggle first hand. So right now, in the thick of it- working for an organization that is making a huge impact in the state to break those barriers, is a part of history! And I am so excited to be a part of that!!
Courtney Veronneau (she/her)
Deputy Director of Movement Building
courtney@familyforward.orgI came to this work through the pro-choice movement, working to protect and expand access to abortion in Oregon. I believe deeply that everyone should be able to decide for themselves if and when they become a parent.
At Family Forward I found an organization that not only shares my belief in and commitment to protecting access to abortion, but is truly embodying the pro-choice movement by not just supporting people’s choice to have an abortion but supporting people when they choose to become parents.
Now more than ever, national attacks on choice and the continued devaluing of care and caregiving, demonstrates the importance of Family Forward’s work to achieve racial, gender, and economic equity for mothers and caregivers.
Candice R. Vickers MEd, MSSE (she/her)
Executive Director
candice@familyforward.orgI have been fighting for the needs of our most historically underserved children and families since before I can remember. While advocating for fair treatment of my own family in the educational system, fighting for students of color, students with disabilities, students learning English, or fighting for systemic change to interrupt racist practices, transformational organizing has always been at the heart. I am excited to be able to bring my education, experience, and humanity to an organization wholly focused on lifting up the voices of mothers and caregivers.
Family Forward’s history highlights a steadfast commitment to organizing for political change. For too long, the work of women and women of color has been ignored, under supported, and often made invisible. Family Forward is an organization that seeks to de-center traditional power, to make the historically unappreciated and hidden contributions of care work to our economic success highlighted and visible. Family Forward is a place that wants to see our community achieve, and that does that through actualizing its values of Equity, Intersectionality, Collective Power, Integrity, and Transformation. The level of systemic change we’ve already achieved is proof that this is a place that seeks to interrupt traditional power struggles, and I am honored to steward this work here.
We know that systems of power and oppression rooted in racism, anti-blackness, and hetero normativity are constantly at work to maintain the centralization of power in the hands of very few. Today, families continue to struggle to provide care for each other while also trying to eat, maintain housing, and thrive. The time is now to make true transformative change driven by the voices of mothers and caregivers, and the time is now to ramp up the fight for the care economy.